
T minus one month

Daniel and I currently are one month (thirty days) away from the most exciting day of our relationship... a day that will change our lives and the lives of many others forever. The day when Miss Rebecca Mary Griggs becomes Mrs. Rebecca Mary Jackson, bride of Mr. Walter Daniel Jackson. July 14, 2012: The newest best day ever. :)

You know, many people told us not to have a long engagement, because from their experiences the engagement seemed to pass slowly. I, however, have not had nearly the same experience as these advice givers. D and I will have a nine month engagement, and every single minute has been so enjoyable and has gone by in the blink of an eye. It seems like just yesterday that I couldn't take my eyes off that pretty ring (oh wait... that was yesterday!). But seriously, this time has flown by, and I still have so much to do over the next 30 days!! I'd like to think that two weeks out from the wedding I'll have everything done and be able to rest, pack, and prepare for the craziness to come, but in the back of my mind I know that's wishful thinking. Here's a little snippet of my list of things to do, which seems to keep growing:

- mail out CD's to musicians
- get dress alterations  
- decide on dress jewelry
- find a job 
- stop biting my fingernails
- make a list for the photographer
- get marriage license
- whiten teeth
- thank you cards galore
... etc.

But having such a long to-do list has never been so fun! I can't wait to hear what the musicians think of the music... SO ready to see the dress on!, and I'm looking forward to hearing back from principals (which has already started, praise the Lord). Yeah, yeah... I need to stop biting my fingernails... but that's been on my to-do list for life. And as for the marriage license, we have to take a ferry to pick it up at the clerk of court. A FERRY! I'm *almost* more excited about the ferry ride than the marriage license. So, I'll keep you folks posted (if I can squeeze in time) on my to-do list progress.

Hoping some of you got your wedding invitations in the mail this week! I smile every day when I open the mail box and see more response cards waiting for me... it's like Christmas every day at 4:30 pm! Please enjoy those invitations and keep them forever... because they took WAY more time and work than I expected. 
Seriously. Don't thrown them away. You should probably scrapbook them or something... yes, even you, friend of a friend of the family. ;)

I know I can speak for Daniel on this one: WE ARE SO EXCITED FOR JULY 14!!! :)

Also, don't forget to check out our wedding website!
grace & peace

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